“People have a dream. They work hard to make the dream a reality and really put their heart and soul into a business they truly believe in. We have a friendly face, a passionate soul, we don’t take things for granted, we work so incredibly hard to achieve something amazing…”

I’m chatting to Louise, Founder of LB Pain Release, on The Business Diaries today. After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia at just 22 years old, she vowed to find something that would enable her to live life and not merely exist in life. This is something that quickly became a motto for her business.

After spending well over 20 years of research, Louise eventually found a treatment that worked for her and decided to train in the method so that she could help others who were also suffering. And… LB Pain Release was born! Grab a quick coffee and keep scrolling to discover the rest of her story!

How long have you been running your business for? How was your business born?

I started my business late February 2020 - 5 weeks before the first UK lockdown.  Great timing eh! 

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia when I was 22 years old – 4 years after experiencing chronic and continuous widespread pain.  Doctors told me it was something that would gradually progress as the years went by and that I was likely to be in need of a stick or a wheelchair by the time I hit my mid 30’s.  The only treatment being a lifelong prescription of medication. 

As you can imagine, being told this in my early 20’s didn’t sit well and I vowed to find something that would enable me to live life and not merely exist in life.  (this line then became a motto for my business).

After 20 plus years of research and trying every type of ‘promise’ out there, I eventually found a treatment that worked for me.  I was asked if I wanted to train in the method. It was a no brainer.  There are over 2 million people in the UK alone diagnosed with the condition and I wanted to help them end the misery of 24/7 pain.

I went on to learn more, spoke to people around the world, combined techniques and found myself working with a variety of people from wellness and relaxation to chronic conditions to enhancing sporting performance.

 What did you want to do for a career? Was this something you’d always intended on doing?

Over my teenage years I flitted with so many career ideas.  From wedding planner to mechanic. Air hostess to engineer. Lifeguard to theatre set designer. Grape picker to coffee shop owner. One thing I definitely didn’t want to do was work in an office. As a 16 year old school leaver my first job was a junior legal secretary (in an office HAHA) – a career I ended up loving and stuck with for 20 years until I decided to make the change.  The change that became an even bigger love.

 What is one thing you know now that you would have told yourself when you first launched your business?

 Your socials don’t have to be pretty.  It’s your skills for what you do that counts.

What has been one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a business owner, and how have you overcome it?

The pandemic has most definitely been the biggest challenge.  The timing of when I started couldn’t have been any worse. But then… with thought maybe the timing was actually great as although financially it was an incredible struggle (being a new business I wasn’t entitled to the Government grants on offer) it certainly taught me resilience and I found another level of inner strength. 

I believe in what I do and am incredibly passionate about it. People suggested I give up and go back to an office job but although I couldn’t help people ‘hands on’ I was still helping people via telephone with self care advice to try ease their pain symptoms whether they be from a chronic condition, a sudden attack of sciatica or a WFH postural pain.

Tell me an invaluable lesson you have learnt as a business owner?

To keep all your receipts. You would think working in an office I was great at admin wouldn’t you!  Also… your business premises, logo, etc doesn’t have to be perfect from day one.  I found people enjoyed seeing that side gradually change and grow over time. As log as you have the skills or the nailed product that’s the most important start you need.

Being self-employed can be a struggle! How do you stay motivated? Do you have any productivity tips?

 Helping people is my motivation. I truly KNOW what pain feels like. I wont lie I did sink into a depression as the lockdowns went on, but it was through NOT being able to help people. It was tough receiving messages from people needing help and, due to Government restrictions within the industry, not being able to. 

But I picked myself up and put my energies into focusing on what I could do for eg creating an at home self care sheet for different conditions such as headaches, sciatica, poor posture and also where I wanted the business to go in the future, the direction I wanted to see it grow, what else I could offer, what new things I could learn. 

Is there anyone (within the industry, celebrity, friend or family member) who inspires you and what you do for a living?

Not a ‘real’ person but the fictional character of Chris in the 2006 film The Pursuit of Happyness. Plus any one with a passion for life.  The strength to not just accept a bad situation.  The desire to improve things whether that be your own health, your circumstance, or the world. 

Name me your go-to podcast, audio book or song that you listen to while working?

I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a podcast. How shameful is that.  Feel free to recommend some great ones.  I did find the audio book ‘Not a Life Coach’ by James Smith to be bloody brilliant though.

 I’m all about supporting small businesses. How can your followers / customers / clients support your biz?

People have a dream.  They work hard to make the dream a reality and really put their heart and soul into a business they truly believe in.  We have a friendly face, a passionate soul, we don’t take things for granted, we work so incredibly hard to achieve something amazing for YOU.  For me, it’s results.  A result of releasing your pain!  So PLEASE support us: Follow like share SAVE and ENGAGE with us on the socials. Tags and check ins.  TRY us out (over a big name) hopefully you will love your treatment and/or product and feel compelled to write that much appreciated REVIEW (or if not please discuss your grievance in private direct to give the person a chance to put things right). REFER a friend, colleague, passer by. BUY the gift vouchers for those special occasions, birthdays, anniversary, mothers / fathers day, Christmas or JUST BECAUSE…TALK POSITIVELY about us… word of mouth is everything.

What’s one thing you dislike about being a business owner?

I guess you could say the fear of an empty diary, but this only makes me work harder. 

What’s one thing you love about being a business owner?

Hearing peoples stories and achieving results for them.  Whether it be a sports person achieving a personal best after a historical injury. Mr P… fell off his bike and suffered a series of fractures.  He was unsure whether he would be able to get back to his sporting achievements but together with a consistent rehab programme of massage, mobility and strength work he did.  Or a chronic pain client such as Mrs B.  Who had to move house as her fibromyalgia meant she could no longer manage the stairs. 12 months on she undertook the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge. 

What is a common myth about your business / field of expertise?

Massage is just an oiled up rub!

If your business could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

Changing peoples lives.  It’s a BIG statement but even the smallest and simplest thing can make a huge difference.

What’s something your followers / customers / clients wouldn’t know about you?

I’m a trained Barista – I learnt in Rome.  Ive also stroked a rhino, swam with a seal, and flown a plane!

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting their own business?

Always be true to yourself and your customer.  If YOU don’t believe in what you do, why should they?

What do you have in store for your business? Is there anything exciting around the corner?

I have so many plans of things I’d like to achieve in the next 3 years and hope they will become a reality in the near future. I definitely want to continue to help more people living with fibromyalgia to LIVE again and not merely EXIST. I’d love to become an in-house massage therapist within a doctors surgery.  I’d love to sponsor a sports team and become their go to pre post and rehab therapist. Please get in touch if you’re interested!   

But for now I’m in the process of having a small website built which I am hoping to launch in January 2022 where you can not only book your own appointment but read informative blog posts and inspiring stories of how the seemingly simple art of massage changed a persons life. Im also moving premises which is exiting.

Describe being a business owner in three words. (E.G Rewarding, freedom, challenging).



THE BUSINESS DIARIES | Lauren, The Cross-Eyed Fox
