“One of the biggest challenges I have faced (and I think that all business owners face) is having to wear so many hats – I am the content creator, recipe developer, photographer, social media manager, website developer, accountant, email marketing manager, and much more for my business!”

Amy launched Buckets of Yum, a delicious baking that aims to inspire your inner-baker and get you in kitchen, back in February 2020. Now, nearly two years later, Amy is sharing her story with us, including the foodie blogger myths, the things she wishes she’d known when she first started and a few clues about what’s in store for Buckets of Yum. So, grab your morning coffee and get reading. There’s also a large serving of tasty treats so I do apologise in advance for filling your Monday morning with brownies etc…

How long have you been running your business for? How was your business born?

I’ve been running my business since February of 2020. I’ve always had a passion for baking (and chocolate desserts!). I had been thinking about creating a blog that I could monetize and eventually turn into my full-time job, so what better way to do this than using my hobby of baking to do so!

What did you want to do for a career? Was this something you’d always intended on doing?

Since high school, I knew that I wanted a career in marketing. I went to college for my marketing degree, which I then went on to use in corporate jobs in both direct mail marketing and affiliate/partnership marketing. I’ve always had an interest in business, but I specifically find the world of marketing fascinating! I love the creativity and problem solving it takes to get the right products in front of the right consumers.

What is one thing you know now that you would have told yourself when you first launched your business?

Be patient! It’s always hard to remember this when you know your end goal and want to get there quickly! But building a business and a brand takes time. There will definitely be roadblocks along the way! Don’t compare yourself to others in your industry because there is room for everyone to be successful in the blogging world.

What has been one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a business owner, and how have you overcome it?

One of the biggest challenges I have faced (and I think that all business owners face) is having to wear so many hats – I am the content creator, recipe developer, photographer, social media manager, website developer, accountant, email marketing manager, and much more for my business! I have eased the burden on myself by knowing when it is time to outsource something that I just don’t have time for or is not my expertise. For example, if I know that I can generate more revenue for my business by outsourcing my social media planning and focusing on bettering my food photography, then I do it! I’ve learned that this type of investment in your business is sometimes the best thing that you can do.

Tell me an invaluable lesson you have learnt as a business owner?

Spend your time focusing on revenue generating tasks – whether that revenue is something attainable in the short term or the long term. For example, I don’t spend my time trying to decode the mysteries of social media – and who has time to anyway?! That’s not a main revenue generator for me, so I focus my time on other things such as pitching to brands for recipe development or generating ideas for my own products to sell in the future! These are areas that I see as being sustainable streams of revenue for my business.

Being self-employed can be a struggle! How do you stay motivated? Do you have any productivity tips?

It is! Self-employment is not easy and it can feel lonely sometimes! But I stay motivated by reminding myself of the freedom that owning my own business gives me – I don’t have to be at work at a certain time, and I don’t have a boss breathing down my neck constantly! Like most entrepreneurs, I don’t like to be told what to do 😉 I like being autonomous and calling my own shots. This keeps me motivated! I also use time blocking to get my tasks done efficiently – I do similar tasks in large chunks so that my brain isn’t constantly switching back and forth between different things. It allows me to focus and buckle down on my work.

Is there anyone (within the industry, celebrity, friend or family member) who inspires you and what you do for a living?

If you haven’t seen Browned Butter Blondie’s baking blog, you need to check it out! I aspire to have food photos that look like hers – they are gorgeous! And she doesn’t do loads of paid sponsorships. She seems to only work with brands that she really loves, and I admire that about her.

Name me your go-to podcast, audio book or song that you listen to while working?

I absolutely love Jordan Raynor’s podcast “The Call to Mastery”. He talks a lot about becoming a master of your vocation and provides tips on productivity and how to create good habits. Plus, he interviews a lot of interesting business owners! It’s a podcast for Christians who want to do their most exceptional work for the glory of God and the good of others – my ultimate purpose in life!

I’m all about supporting small businesses. How can your followers / customers / clients support your biz?

I love that! My followers can support my business a lot of ways – signing up for my email list, visiting my website on a regular basis, and spreading the word to others! And anytime I recommend a product on my website, if you buy through my link, I earn a small commission from the sale of the product (that’s called “affiliate marketing”). All of these things combined really help me to grow and generate revenue!

What’s one thing you dislike about being a business owner?

There isn’t much that I don’t like. but one thing in particular that comes to mind is keeping up with technology and managing the back end of my site. I am NOT a tech person, and really despise this part of running a blog. As soon as I can justify it monetarily, this portion of my business is getting outsourced!

What’s one thing you love about being a business owner?

I love being able to have freedom – freedom to create, innovate, and structure my business and day the way I want to! There is no greater feeling than knowing that you have endless freedom and opportunity to dream and create the life that you want.

What is a common myth about your business / field of expertise?

That all I do is stay at home and bake all day. Not true at all! I really only bake one day a week and the rest of the time I’m working on writing, editing photos, planning social media posts, pitching to companies, researching SEO… the list goes on and on! Baking is only a small portion of what I do.

If your business could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

Inspiration – whether you’re in the mood for a three-layer cake or some simple cookies, I just really want to inspire others to escape from the craziness of the world and get into the kitchen and create. Shut your mind off and do something you love! Oh, and I’d like to be remembered for delicious chocolate desserts, but I guess that’s two things 😉

What’s something your followers / customers / clients wouldn’t know about you?

Some followers may not know this about me, but I am a Christian and this drives every aspect of my business! I hope that when people visit my site, they feel a sense of happiness and positivity radiating from my content. The world has enough negativity in it, and my goal is to use my passions to spread joy and create a fun space that people can come to for escape, inspiration, and yummy desserts! 

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting their own business?

You are not going to know it all, nor will you ever! The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will find success. Everything is figure-outable!

What do you have in store for your business? Is there anything exciting around the corner?

So many things! I’m in the VERY early stages of brainstorming for a cookbook (maybe chocolate focused!) and creating my own branded products – think super cute spatulas, aprons, whisks, measuring cups, etc. that you can use for your own baking!

Describe being a business owner in three words. (E.G Rewarding, freedom, challenging).

Freedom, Passion, and Growth.


