#LockdownLife | Working from Home - The Journals | Lauren Barber

Fridaaaaaaaaay! Let’s get straight into it folks - Lauren Barber (you need to check out her ‘gram, it’s goals) is a Brand Photographer with a whole lotta style. She effortlessly elevates brands with stunning, light-filled lifestyle imagery and also just happens to be the loveliest person ever!

Let me hand you over to Lauren so that you can find out all about her life during lockdown…


1 So, let’s talk about life in lockdown. What time do you get up? What’s your morning routine? Has this changed since working from home / being in lockdown? 

I’ve been trying to get up with my Husband who is able to still work. He’s up around 6:30-7am and literally gets dressed and goes, so on the days I feel a little slower, I wake about 8am. Then it’s leggings on, big jumper, wellies and tog up for a morning walk with Alf. When we get back it’s a morning coffee & breakfast for us both before getting stuck into the emails at my kitchen table or up to the home studio to edit or shoot for the day. Life is pretty much normal for us, both being able to work.

2 How do you remain motivated while working from home?

Going for walks, having proper breaks and setting a timed task then treating myself has helped me get through the low sluggish days. For example, once I have finished this job I can put the tools down and have half an hour in the hot tub with my Breathe Magazine. I’ve found sometimes to just take a break because too many things seem to be going wrong or I have a creative block. After my break, which could be an hour or half a day, I’m ready to go back to it or I feel more creative than I did before.

3 Do you listen to any podcasts while working from home?

Yes I love podcasts! I’ve been listening to Your Dream Life by Kristina Karrlsson and Conversations of Inspiration by Holly Tucker for some time now. I have recently started listening to The Daily Gardener by Jennifer Ebeling. And my guilty pleasure, which I have grown up listening to, is the Archers! Every female in my family has listened to it and still listens now. It’s strange but it makes me feel closer to my Mum & Nanny because I listen. 


4 Lockdown has impacted businesses all over the world. How can people support you? E.g. #ShopSmallBusiness, sharing a post on FB, commenting on an Instagram post etc.

Really by shopping small. If the incredibly talented clients I work with are busy making and selling then they can continue to work with me. So supporting small creative businesses is what really helps me.

5 Tell me one local business that you’ve decided to support during lockdown. It could be your local coffee shop, someone who hand-makes masks etc.

In our village we have a baker, butcher, green grocer, restaurant & a lovely cafe called Nelly’s- which is our favourite place for Sunday brunch. I’m ashamed to say, before lockdown we never shopped at the bakery, butchers or green grocers. So it’s been a wonderful way to support our very local businesses but also to continue supporting them instead of heading to the supermarket for everything. Of course when take out is on at the Restaurant & Nelly’s we always find the time to nip across and order something.

6 Tell me your favourite isolation cocktail / snack / treat?

In the beginning it was banana bread, which I think everyone had a go at making. I also loved the whipped Coffee trend from the first lockdown. Then this winter lockdown I’ve been craving Spring. So anything Easter related has made the cut! Creme Eggs, Hot Cross Buns & mini eggs!

7 What’s your go-to ‘pick me up’ during lockdown life / working from home?

Hot tub with my breath magazine or a hot bath if it’s raining outside. I’m a water baby. Being near or in water is my happy place. As soon as we can we’ll be making a trip to a beach or a holiday by the pool.


8 How are you keeping in touch with friends and family?

We are very familiar with FaceTime in our family as my mum lives in France. She’s lived there since I was 11. So from only having dial up internet & a landline, we’ve always been very grateful for FaceTime. Our newest struggle is watching my Nephew grow up through a screen. He was born during the first lockdown and my mum is yet to meet him, which as her first grandchild, is heart breaking for us. Other than FaceTime or Zoom I write to my Grandma. She struggles with her hearing, so chatting on the telephone is a little difficult. I send her cards and write her a little letter of what we’ve been doing. She can’t write back and I don’t expect to her to, but I take comfort she has something to read.

9 Name one lockdown pet peeve

People not respecting your space or decisions you have made in order for you to feel comfortable & safe. Or people would just presume you felt the same ways as them. I think we as humans do struggle to communicate that well and have tried hard to navigate this new personal distance. But I find it’s those closest to you that sometimes struggle with the concept.


10 Name one lockdown love

Life is slower. discovering gardening and life in our garden.

11 What do you have in store for your business? What’s got you feeling inspired?

I’m actually rebranding in the summer, with the idea of growing & developing my business to further help small businesses and their brands. Gardening and the pace of life in the initial lockdown really inspired the rebrand and the new approach I am taking to both my own work and what I want to encourage throughout Small Business community.

12 What’s one thing you want to do after lockdown restrictions are lifted?

Fly to France to see my mum. I’ve not seen her since January 2020. Plus France is like my second home, so I can’t wait to go back and enjoy everything it has to offer. Including the bread, cheese & wine!

13 What has been your favourite Netflix series to binge on during lockdown?

Studio McGee Netflix series, Dream Home Makeover! I love a interior makeover and Studio McGee is a fabulous and inspirational business to follow on Instagram.

14 Are there any books on your shelf you’d recommend reading during lockdown?

I read so much during lockdown it was bliss!


Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King

Hashtag Authentic by Sara Tasker

Your Dream Life Starts Here by Kristina Karlsson

Brand Brilliance by Fiona Humberstone


15 What will you take from lockdown? Is there anything you’re grateful for or that you’ll do differently going forward?

Slowing down, appreciating the little things and discovering gardening. I thought life was about powering on, to be successful is to work, work, work. I didn’t realise the pressure, stress & anxiety that was putting on me. To switch creativity on like a light switch just isn’t possible. Like gardening, you have to nurture yourself to be creative & grown. Not be hard on yourself, or expect to do a million things within one day. I’m working on finding a rhythm which helps me stay clam, creative whilst being productive & achieving my goals.

 16 Describe lockdown for you in three words. (E.g. life-changing, emotional, challenging).

Enlightening, Blessed, Perspective.


You’ll find plenty of gorgeous content over on Lauren’s IG page here!


#LockdownLife | Working from Home - The Journals | Kismet Cakes


#LockdownLife | Working from Home - The Journals | Milkwood Creative