The Sisterhood is a virtual book club/women's network aiming to educate, inspire and empower. Founded during the pandemic in 2020 and inspired by a handmade Christmas present for a friend, Joanna has now launched a successful Etsy shop. With positive affirmation postcards, an inspirational quote calendar for 2022 and the loveliest prints, The Sisterhood is bringing ALL the good vibes to the table. Without further ado, let’s welcome Joanna to The Business Diaries….

How long have you been running your business for? How was your business born?

I started my business (although I never really consider it that!) in 2020. Like many people I was stuck inside during the pandemic and spent lots of time being creative – Christmas came around and my friends and I had to give each other homemade gifts. Whilst for many this was a funny challenge, it gave me a chance to be creative and I made my friend Flora a calendar full of positive affirmations for the following year. On a whim I put it on Etsy and set up a shop and it took off! 

What did you want to do for a career? Was this something you’d always intended on doing?

I work in marketing ‘by day’ and I love being creative so I always felt there was room for me to make something but I never thought anyone would really be interested in buying my designs.

 What is one thing you know now that you would have told yourself when you first launched your business?

Just to go for it – I have spent a lot of time questioning whether or not to try a lot of things and I think I have learnt that it’s worth just going for it and trying – you will only learn from your mistakes.

 What has been one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a business owner, and how have you overcome it?

For me it is waiting for creativity to strike – I often feel inspired at odd times and I used to try and focus that into a time slot each week. This just does not work for me and I have learnt to take notes on my phone or open my laptop at 1am if a good idea or design comes to mind.

 Tell me an invaluable lesson you have learnt as a business owner?

Social media is crucial tool, network with similar people to you as much as you can!

 Being self-employed can be a struggle! How do you stay motivated? Do you have any productivity tips?

I am still employed full time so this isn’t as much of an issue to me, but motivation can be difficult in any job. I write tonnes of lists every day and have a notebook for each different project so I don’t get things muddled up. A new notebook solves everything!

 Is there anyone (within the industry, celebrity, friend or family member) who inspires you and what you do for a living? Jen Atkin is my biggest influence – I love her tenacity and attitude to life. Reading her book and looking at her insta is a constant source of inspiration to me.

Name me your go-to podcast, audio book or song that you listen to while working?

The World’s First Podcast with Erin and Sara Foster

 I’m all about supporting small businesses. How can your followers / customers / clients support your biz?

Follow me on Instagram and check out the link to my Etsy store!

 What’s one thing you dislike about being a business owner?

When a product doesn’t go down as well as you thought it would it’s easy to feel disheartened because it’s something only you have put your time and love into. Sometimes I would love to have someone to bounce ideas off of.

What’s one thing you love about being a business owner?

The freedom to be creative!

What is a common myth about your business / field of expertise?

That you need a degree to be successful – experience is so valuable!

 If your business could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

Bringing positivity to people – if someone sticks up one of my postcards somewhere and reads it every day and it puts a smile on their face then my job is done!

What’s something your followers / customers / clients wouldn’t know about you?

That I spent years working the NHS feeling like I had no creative outlet!

 What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting their own business?

Use your contacts! There are so many amazing female business owners out there, spend time with them and learn from them.

What do you have in store for your business? Is there anything exciting around the corner?

I have just released my 2022 Positive Affirmation Calendar this week – in time for Christmas!

Describe being a business owner in three words. (E.G Rewarding, freedom, challenging).

Rewarding, inspiring, creative.


